Useful advices & FAQ

How to calculate the TxID locally

TxID is a unique identifier of transaction. For our native tx format the tx id is a

BLAKE3 hash of transaction signature - 256 bit in length, hex-encoded

Code snippet:

let txID = web1337.blake3(tx.sig)

How to calculate the contractID locally to predict the future contract identifier

const contractID = web1337.blake3(shardID+tx.creator+tx.nonce)


Check the reason of failed transaction

Sometimes it may happen that you will see a red Failed status next to your transaction. Like this:

To find out the reason - click VIEW RAW DETAILS. From here it will be possible to check why your transaction failed:

How to find account(user or contract - both for WVM and EVM) in explorer

Remember that Klyntar has a sharded structure, so the full ID of your account should also have prefix with shard.

For example: you have account `


`To find it on shard 0, try to search for:


In general - to find account on shard_x - just use template:


Last updated