
In searchbar you can find everything you need by applying a special filter. Please, click the button to expand the full list of available filters

Follow the prompts in the input field to find what you need ☺️

Find your transaction by tx ID

Choose appropriate filter and paste TxID. Please note that:

  1. KLY native tx id is 256-bit BLAKE3 hash

  2. KLY-EVM tx id is 256-bit 0x-prefixed SHA3 hash

For example:

The same works for EVM transactions. Get the txid from your wallet or web3 SDK and paste to explorer

Note that there are 2 types of transactions shown here - the transaction is running in parallel mode and not in parallel. Klyntar has full parallel support - parallel WASM VM, parallel EVM, etc.

Find block by shard index

Each shard works as independent linear blockchain. So, to find the first block on shard or, saying 1337th block on shard choose filter and paste required input

Find the first block on shard 0 (indexation starts from 0)


Find the block 1337th on shard 0

Find block by ID

Also, each block has own ID. This ID consists of 3 parts:

  1. Epoch Index

  2. Creator-pool pubkey (currently Ed25519), Base58 encoded

  3. Block index in own sequence

In each epoch on each shard there is a timeframe for each validator to generate blocks. Each validator starts own sequence of indexation.

For example, if:

  1. Epoch index = 455

  2. Set of validators for shard X - V0, V1, V2

The IDs of blocks will be:

  1. 455:V0:107 - 107th block by pool V0 on epoch 455

  2. 455:V1:37 - 37th block by pool V1 on epoch 455

  3. 455:V2:10 - 10th block by pool V2 on epoch 455

So, choose filter, paste ID and search

If you click `Check AFP` you will be able to see the AFP - aggregated finalization proof created by quorum majority. If block has this proof - it's a signal that it was approved and included to blockchain

AFP presented in a raw form but your node and developers will know what to do with it

Find staking pool(validator) by ID

Pool has appropriate pubkey and the full ID of pool will be pubkey + (POOL) postfix

For example, go to searchbar and try to find:

You will be redirected here

Find epoch data by ID

The easiest - just pase index of epoch and find required data

Find account info by ID

There are 2 types of accounts in KLY network - user(EOA - externally owned account) and contract.

Due to the sharded nature of our network, when searching for an account (user or contract) you should specify a prefix with the shard ID.

For example:

  1. User account vlad on shard_0 has ID - shard_0:vlad

  2. Contract blablabla on shard_5 has ID - shard_5:blablabla


Find user account by ID

Find EVM user account

Find KLY-WVM contract account

Find KLY-EVM contract account

Last updated