When unstaking, you withdraw your coins from the staking balance of the validator you previously staked on.
Method 1 - via user interface
Again, the easiest way to do this is through the interface on our website. As you remember:
On the pool 6XvZpuCDjdvSuot3eLr24C1wqzcf2w4QqeDh9BnDKsNE
From our account 0x9f8E68B1974069B854eE481deC0819697B901f1D
Our account is still on the list of stakers and receives rewards:
On site - choose the mode Unstake
. Input the amount and your pool
Confirm the transaction
Check the transaction status via explorer
Unstaking also require some time. So, now we know that unstaking transaction was in block in epoch 12:
So, let's wait for epoch 12 + 3 = 15
After this - you should receive your stake back
And if you visit the page of pool info:
You will see that your account is not in the stakers list
As you can see, your account has been removed from the list of stakers in this pool. From this moment on, you will no longer receive rewards.
Method 2 - programmatic way using SDK
Let's assume that we have this:
Your address - 3JAeBnsMedzxjCMNWQYcAXtwGVE9A5DBQyXgWBujtL9R
Pool you staked on - 9GQ46rqY238rk2neSwgidap9ww5zbAN4dyqyC7j5ZnBK
Let's assume that we want to do the following:
Unstake 30 coins - this will return to our balance
70 coins remain in the pool - you will continue to receive rewards from the validator
1. Call system smart contract to unstake
import Web1337 from 'web1337';
let web1337 = new Web1337({
nodeURL: 'http://localhost:7332'
let keypair = {
const shardID = "shard_0";
let payload = {
shard: shardID,
amount: '30000000000000000000'
const fee = 2;
const nonce = await web1337.getAccount(shardID,>account.nonce+1);
const txType = "WVM_CALL";
let tx = web1337.createEd25519Transaction(shardID,txType,,keypair.prv,nonce,fee,payload);
web1337.sendTransaction(tx).then(value =>{
console.log('Sent => ',value)
console.log(`TX ID is => `,web1337.blake3(tx.sig))
}).catch(err=>console.error('Error with unstaking: ',err));
v: 0,
creator: '3JAeBnsMedzxjCMNWQYcAXtwGVE9A5DBQyXgWBujtL9R',
type: 'WVM_CALL',
nonce: 2,
fee: '2000000000000000000',
payload: {
shard: 'shard_0',
contractID: 'system/staking',
method: 'unstake',
gasLimit: 0,
params: {
poolPubKey: '9GQ46rqY238rk2neSwgidap9ww5zbAN4dyqyC7j5ZnBK',
amount: '30000000000000000000'
imports: []
sigType: 'D',
sig: 'YkfiMMLFopmxwuf3pmuKgNrpcdOuhxg3D+szrMQyIwk6DcUCS0Tl4taNIbGX1nGsQRMXiuNpKASxqyUCJxZ0Cg=='
Sent => { status: 'OK' }
TX ID is => ee8053b379a44662252afcd42a316e152f47a45353f7accd294a9ee321a38aed
2. Check the unstaking tx status
Go to explorer and try to find your transaction
Transaction finished with Success
🟢 status
3. Wait untill the next epoches
There is also a delay for the unstaking procedure. Since the transaction was in epoch 61
Then you will receive the coins in epoch 61+3=64
4. Check that you have less coins in pool and receive your coins back
We waited for a while and now the epoch is 64. Let's try to go to the pool page and see the list of stakers now:
Now in pool you have 70 coins instead of 100
And if you visit the page of your account you will see that 30 coins was sent to your address back
Init balance: 20_000_000 (20 millions)
Balance after staking: 20_000_000 - 100(staking) - 2(fee) = 19_999_898
Balance after unstaking: 19_999_898 + 30(unstaking) - 2(fee) = 19_999_926
As you can see, everything is correct ✅