Multistaking - nextgen liquid restaking
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In an effort to increase decentralization rates and protect the network, as well as other chains in the ecosystem, we are introducing a multi-staking mechanism - now you can protect the network by delegating your coins from other projects. This increases the number of potential validators in the Klyntar network, which makes the network stronger, more resilient and reliable!
On the page with information about the validator, you will notice the multistaking points section. These points are credited to the validator when you stake coins on other blockchains in smart contracts. For this, validators will credit you with part of their rewards depending on the % that you staked.
See here:
When you stake your coins, ERC-20 tokens, LSTs, LRTs and others - you receive a token in return equal to 1:1 - to maintain liquidity.
For example, if you stake 1 TRON($TRX), you will receive 1 KLYTRON in return. This way, you can continue to use your coins.
Our smart contracts do not provide for the possibility of slashing. This means that only you have access to your funds. If the validator that you staked on violates the rules of the Klyntar network, it will simply be excluded from the set, but your tokens on other blockchains cannot be slashed.
Please, DYOR the smart contracts yourself:
Find more details in appropriate section in our docs
Also, here are two examples of multistaking - with native coins of other networks and ERC-20 tokens in these networks: