
Terms and abbreviations that you will meet


Library to work with the KLY network - send transactions, generate accounts, call APIs, interact with smart-contracts and much more! Moreover, we'll add more advanced abilities later - interaction with DApps 2.0, mutation creation, using RWX contracts and so on! Stay tuned!


EVM compatible virtual machine by KLY. Supports low-level sharding, WASM(it's possible to call WASM from EVM and vice versa) and other features like storage-by-subscription model, free calls, advanced fee system, etc.


WASM-based virtual machine by KLY. Supports several languages, EVM(call EVM from WASM), sharding,etc.


Hybrid virtual machine with multiple architectures support:

  • EVM

  • WASM

  • Other(soon - Solana VM, Cosmos VM, etc)

RWX contract

RWX - Real World eXecution codeless smart contracts. Details soon!

Last updated